MRS OLOLADE OKI by Ganiat Ojewale

Dame Ololade Oki with youth engage members

Our host today is indeed a woman worthy of emulation. Our encounter with her and the unassuming husband is indeed memorial because of the way both dedicatedly took care of us like we were there own.

This aptly justified the record that She was head of Community Development Division in social Development directorate from where she moved to Head the Youth Development in 1982 as an Assistant Director of Youth Development. She became the Acting Director in July 1984 to 1986. By 1986 to August 1988 she became a substantive Director on GL. 17 in September 1988 until retirement.

The fact is that this indefatigable woman is not fully retired as she is still fully involved in various humanitarian and social activities and if course, I can tell you that Dame Ololade Oki is indeed a great counsellor to the core. Yes, she really counselled us big time.

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